X-Men Mutant Abilities Wiki

Name: Peter Petrelli

Alias: Pete

Alignment: Good


  • Gender: Male
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Species: Evolved Human


  • Angela Petrelli (mother)
  • Arthur Petrelli (father, deceased)
  • Tim Petrelli (paternal uncle)
  • Alice Shaw (maternal aunt)
  • Nathan Petrelli (brother, deceased)
  • Caitlin (former lover)
  • Simone Deveaux (former lover, deceased)
  • Claire Bennet (niece)
  • Simon Petrelli (nephew)
  • Monty Petrelli (uncle)


  1. Paramedic


  1. Hospice

Evolved Human Ability[]

Original Ability[]

Main article: Empathic Mimicry

Peter originally possessed the ability of Empathic Mimicry, allowing him to mimic the abilities of others after being near them. He originally thought that he could fly but it was Nathan who could fly and Peter mimicked his ability.

In the beginning, when new to his powers, he could only mimic others' abilities when they were near him. He couldn't fly when Nathan wasn't around and he became visible when Claude walked away from him. The only ability he could use when away from the original user was Precognition from Isaac Mendez. Claude began training Peter so that he could "recall" someone else's ability and use it when they're not around him. Claude pushed him off a building, intending for him to fly but he landed on a car and regenerated with Claire's ability, even though she wasn't anywhere near him.

After his mind was erased by the Haitian and he had been in Ireland and came back the United States, he had lots of abilities at his disposal including Invisibility, Flight, Telekinesis, Telepathy, Precognition, Radiation Emission, Electrokinesis, Enhanced Strength, Phasing, Intuitive Aptitude, Regeneration, and Space-Time Manipulation.

The following is a list of all the abilities that Peter had mimicked before his abilities were taken away.

  1. Precognitive Dreaming from Angela Petrelli
  2. Flight from Nathan Petrelli
  3. Precognition from Isaac Mendez
  4. Space-Time Manipulation from Hiro Nakamura
  5. Enhanced Regeneration from Claire Bennet
  6. Telepathy from Matt Parkman
  7. Telekinesis from Sylar
  8. Invisibility from Claude Rains
  9. Radiation Emission from Ted Sprague
  10. Enhanced Strength from Niki Sanders
  11. Phasing from D.L. Hawkins
  12. Electrokinesis from Elle Bishop
  13. Pyrokinesis from Flint Gordon
  14. Intuitive Aptitude from Sylar
  15. Enhanced Speed from Daphne Millbrook

The following is a list of abilities that Peter may have absorbed but he never used them so it is unknown if he absorbed them.

  1. Healing from Daniel Linderman
  2. Ability Absorption from Arthur Petrelli
  3. Persuasion from Eden McCain
  4. Cryokinesis from Sylar
  5. Shattering from Sylar
  6. Mental Manipulation from the Haitian
  7. Enhanced Hearing from Sylar
  8. Liquification from Sylar
  9. Clairvoyance from Molly Walker
  10. Technopathy from Micah Sanders
  11. Alchemy from Bob Bishop
  12. Sonic Scream from Jesse Murphy
  13. Clairsentience from Gabriel Gray
  14. Physical Attributes from Mohinder Suresh

Current Ability[]

Main article: Empathic Mimicry

All of Peter's abilities were stolen from him by his father. But when Peter found the formula he injected himself to save his brother from the fire. He replicated Flight from Nathan and flew him away. Later, Peter confesses that he can only mimic one ability at a time and when he absorbs a new ability, he loses the old one.

He was able to keep his current ability and not absorb a new power when he came into contact with Nathan. But when he bumped into Emma, he immediately absorbed her ability without meaning to.

The following is a list of abilities that Peter replicated.

  1. Flight from Nathan Petrelli, Sylar and West Rosen
  2. Enhanced Strength from Mohinder Suresh
  3. Cryokinesis from Tracy Strauss
  4. Telepathy from Matt Parkman
  5. Shapeshifting from Sylar
  6. Enhanced Speed from Edgar
  7. Enhanced Synesthesia from Emma Coolidge
  8. Space-Time Manipulation from Hiro Nakamura
  9. Life-Force Manipulation from Jeremy Greer
  10. Mental Manipulation from the Haitian
  11. Enhanced Regeneration from Claire Bennet
  12. Precognitive Dreaming from Angela Petrelli
  13. Terrakinesis from Samuel Sullivan

Peter's current ability is terrakinesis, replicated from Samuel Sullivan.
